Lady Scarlet had given out work and clearly indicated when she wanted it done as it was urgent. They had some money riding on it and it had to be done perfectly. Everyone did theirs on time except this guy who did not and she was pissed about it. She trampled and facesat on him to make him learn that she was not joking about work. He had to lick her soles and do the work in record time.

Mistress Enola wanted to dominate because she had not done that for some time and she missed it. The mistress went ahead to do so using her boot licking fetish. The mistress lured this guy to her house where she turned him into a foot slave after acting pissed off by something she set him up to do. And she had a great time at his expense but he never knew he was set up to fail from the start so that she could dominate and humiliate him.

This mistress did not like the fact that her boyfriend was checking out girls yet he was with her. He was driving but could not hesitate checking out girls and it was both dangerous and disrespectful to her. She asked him to pull up and when he did, she trampled him and crushed him with her high heels to make him realize that she would not accept that kind of behavior.

When this guy was being disobedient and disrespectful to mistress Khali, she had to make sure she punished him and she did so using her foot fetish. The guy was shocked at how the mistress was strong as he could not break free from her grip and he had to smell her feet and her stinky sneakers. He was never disobedient to the mistress again after that humiliation and punishment.

Mistress Zephy had an ignorant neighbor and she was tired of his ignorant views and ways and today she punished him. The mistress cruelly trampled and crushed his head and his mouth with her bare feet. He was lucky that her feet were clean otherwise he would had to lick dirty and smelly feet. He was however naked and he was made to jerk off as he was being trampled.

Mistress Alexis was fed up with the way her boyfriend was irresponsible. He was sweet and romantic but he was irresponsible which she did not like. And that is why she chose to punish him. And she did it by facesitting on him and choking him with her pussy and ass on his face. And then the mistress also smothered him with her feet and made him lick her feet.

Mistress Kennya and mistress Saida had a lot of time on their hands and they chose to pass time by dominating these guys that had followed them home from the mall. The mistresses had no issue with them following them but when they got home, the guys regretted when they were turned into foot slaves and had to lick their feet and endure humiliation. When the mistresses felt it was enough, they kicked them out as they also prepared to go to the club.

Mistress Lena gets angered quickly and when she is angry, she loves to punish those who anger her so that they can learn that it is not ok to mess with her. And that is what the mistress did when she was angered by this loser. She took him to the park and she had him lick her socks and her sneakers without caring that it was a public place.

Lady Rockabella found out that this slave had not finished the chores she had given him and so she used her foot fetish to punish him. He was made to lick her feet and also to suck her toes. The mistress even went ahead to gag him with her foot in his mouth and the guy regretted why he had not done what the mistress had instructed him to do.

Lady Fenja enjoys humiliating slaves who think they are better than they actually are. She loves to show them the kind of person she is because most of them do not think she is anything more than harmless. And that is why today she used her boots to dominate as well as humiliate him. The mistress made sure it was slow so that the effects of it would last longer.

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